Can You Afford a Personal Injury Lawyer?

After you are injured due to the negligence of someone else, you will probably need to retain an injury attorney to represent you, advise you about your legal rights, help protect your rights. This holds true for car crash cases, slip and fall incidents, dog bites, and medical malpractice claims. The question then becomes, how do you pay for a personal injury … Read More

Are You an Auto Accident Victim?

Are you an auto accident victim? You are if you were injured by another individual driving some type of motor vehicle. A crash may involve a motorcycle, regular car, truck, semi-tractor trailer, or some type of commercial vehicle. The process of making a claim is often so difficult that it is easy to see why an accident victim doesn’t even pursue an … Read More

After a Crash… Who’s Going to Pay Your Medical Bills?

It should be pretty obvious that the leading cause of personal injury is a car accident. Injuries range from whiplash and minor contusions to broken bones and permanent paralysis. As an injury victim steps out of the urgent care or emergency room, the thought of how he or she is going to pay his medical bills. Who is responsible for paying … Read More

Car Insurance and Single-Car Crashes

Single-car accidents are far too common in New Mexico even if not as frequent as two or three car crashes. They are often as dangerous as two car accidents and frequently have similar injuries. Single-car accidents often involve vehicle crashes with fixed objects. It may be a car that strikes a tree, traffic light or involves a rollover when a car … Read More

How Do Insurance Companies Break Their Promises?

Most car accident victims are not terribly surprised when the other guy’s insurance starts giving them a hard time. We have come to expect that insurance companies no longer try to ensure that people are fairly and promptly paid for their damages. However, the shock often comes when you have been paying precious to an insurance company for the past 15 years … Read More

They Are All Adversarial Insurance Adjusters!

After an auto accident and the first doctor visit, the injured person begins to think about how they can pay the medical bills and get their car fixed. There is the towing bill, the tow yard storage fee, pain, headaches, deductibles… The first step is usually to set up an insurance claim with the other driver’s insurance company. However, most people don’t realize that … Read More

Motorcycle Crashes – Drivers Are Not Looking For Bikers!

When you hear about a motorcycle crash, the image conjured in your mind is often one of catastrophe. Motorcycle riders are more likely to suffer serious injuries due to their lack of protection from other vehicles. They are exposed – unlike the occupants of a car, truck or semi-tractor trailer. These unfortunate accidents often result in more serious injuries or death … Read More

The Car Crash Trip to The Circus

After a car crash, your first thought is how you are going to pay your medical bills and fix your car. Once you figure out who the other guy’s insurance company is, you call to set up the claim. Now, nobody will return your calls or inspect your car. Next, you get a form letter that they are “investigating” your claim. You didn’t … Read More

18-Wheeler Accidents May Be Getting Worse

Accidents with commercial vehicles, semi-trucks, big rigs, 18-wheelers, and tractor-trailers are all too common in New Mexico. Even though they make up less than five percent of the vehicles on the roadway, they are involved in a disproportionate number of car accidents. For example, they are involved in more than 12 percent of traffic fatalities. Because of the tremendous forces involved, … Read More

Damages: The Fourth Element in a Personal Injury Case

In the previous four blogs, we discussed the 3 parts of a personal injury case: 1) duty, 2) breach of duty and 3) causation of harm. This brings us to 4: DAMAGES. Obviously, without damages, there is no point in filing a personal injury lawsuit in the first place. ALMOST HARMED If you weren’t harmed by the other person’s negligence, then … Read More